Thursday, 15 November 2012


Editing in media is every important...

During the turn of the last century the idea of the moving image with no cuts was spouse to have been revolutionary, however by having no editing it was just a long line of film, it was not until Sergei Eisenstein with his theory of montage; which is a collection of different shots of a movie placed together, which changed everything.

Now a days lots of films use cuts and other forms of editing to shorten or make the film better than it all ready is.....

For you guys i have analysed a short clip from the movie "Clockwork Orange" fight scene;, and had looked at all the different shots;

  1. So far during the fight scene there were on average over 20 different cuts and screen angles alone, I think it is due to being able to show all the different shot with out using a split screen, but it also works best this way because you do not lose and action scenes.
  2. each of the shots are reasonable length for the gang fight scene because you can see all the different fights from each of the characters and not miss a single bit.
  3. most of the cutting points are at the point were some of the suspense is rising and to show the high tension and when you think the bad guys are going to win but it gets turned around in the ending scenes.
  4. Some of the scenes are a bit manipulated, but there is some points were you do wonder if it will happen or not, because of the positioning of the shots, but that could have also have been done due to the story broad and the plot.
  5. The rhythm of the editing is mostly to show the high tension, the different stages of the fight and who is in the lead in the fight.
  6. The shots were mostly are relativity objective and functional because all of the shots are linked, to the fact that these two gangs do not get along and do fight and all the different scenes and angles of the fight which are all together.
  7. Most of the major editing is on the action aer the fight scene but there is some cuts at the beginning of the clip.
  8. The style of editing the clip has is, sequence shots because of all of the shots and cuts are linked together and flow from the first scene up until the last.

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